Find out where the funds were used.
Learning from the past, shaping the future - support for the Habach farmhouse.
From apple to apple tree - a project for sustainability and healthy eating.
The Limburg Staffel animal shelter does valuable work for animal welfare every day. Nevertheless, it faces major challenges.
Our bee carts offer a mobile solution for transporting bee colonies to areas with ideal food sources. Several bee colonies can be housed and optimally cared for in these special bee boxes. The ‘harvest’ refers to the nutritional basis of the bees, which varies depending on the location and season.
As part of the donation campaign "Your VAT advantage for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park for five years since 2021 with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros.
KITZRETTER e .V. saves fawns from death by mowing. The farmers' spring mowing should be as safe as possible to prevent senseless animal suffering.
Since 2021, the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Tierfreunde Schaumberg.
Tiwi Turtle Police: The turtle police protect the endangered animals and ensure the survival of the turtles.
PanEco Foundation: Foundation for the conservation of orangutans. Rescue, rehabilitation and reintroduction of orangutans.
Gnadenhof Eiweiler: Mercy farm for farm animals.
In November 2023, we supported Allgemeiner Tierhilfsdienst e. V. with EUR 4,000 to promote their important work in animal welfare.
The proWIN pro nature Foundation is proud to have been supporting the EcoDivePWN project led by Dr. Jorge Fontes with an annual contribution of €30,000 since 2020.
In August 2023, proWIN organised a 24-hour darts telethon in cooperation with the German Giant Gabriel Clemens. Thanks to the generous support of the participants, donations in the mid-five-figure range were collected, which were passed on to associations and aid organisations in need.
The proWIN pro nature foundation is pleased to support the "Waste separation 3.0" project at the Saarschleife community school with a donation of 1,000 euros.
The proWIN pro nature foundation is committed to environmental and species protection as well as environmental education and training.
Fawn rescue in Westmünsterland - modern technology meets tradition and animal welfare. In May of this year, we supported the Hegering Alstätte-Ottenstein-Wessum-Graes e.V. with 500 euros to promote its valuable work in fawn rescue.
We are delighted to be able to support the St. Georg Catholic daycare center in their project "Our daycare garden - a journey of discovery with holistic experiences" with 500 euros.
With the start of the mowing season in fields and meadows, wild animals are once again exposed to a high risk. Every year, numerous animals such as fawns and young hares are put in mortal danger by the upcoming mowing work.
The proWIN pro nature Foundation is delighted to support the Calw District Hunters' Association with a donation of 8,000 euros for its impressive fawn rescue project.
We are delighted to be able to support another project that teaches children and young people valuable knowledge about nature and environmental protection.
We are very pleased to be able to support the "Esterweger Dose nature reserve information stand" project of NaBu Emsland Nord e.V. with a grant of 1,000 euros.
The proWIN pro nature Foundation is pleased to be able to financially support the National Young Beekeepers' Meeting 2024, which will take place from June 7 to 9 in Gersheim, Saarland.
As part of our donation campaign "Your VAT benefit for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation is pleased to support the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros since 2021.
In March 2024, the proWIN pro nature Foundation supported the non-profit association NatureLAB St. Wendel e.V. with a donation of 500 euros.
For many wild animals, the annual mowing work poses a deadly danger. Fawns are particularly affected as they instinctively remain motionless in the tall grass and are therefore often not spotted in time by the mowers.
On August 22, 2024, the proWIN pro nature Foundation supported the "Building sustainable butterfly houses" project of the Quierschied municipal district with a donation of 500 euros.
This year, we supported the Sedelsberg animal shelter, run by the Friesoythe and surrounding area animal welfare association, with a grant of EUR 2,000.
In June 2024, the proWIN pro nature Foundation supported the animal welfare association in the district of Leer e.V. (Jübberde animal shelter) with a donation of EUR 2,000.
All turtle species worldwide are threatened with extinction. One of the biggest threats to these fascinating sea creatures is plastic pollution of the oceans and beaches.
Our bee carts offer a mobile solution for transporting bee colonies to areas with ideal food sources. Several bee colonies can be housed and optimally cared for in these special bee boxes. The ‘harvest’ refers to the nutritional basis of the bees, which varies depending on the location and season.
Sustainable class trip to the Losheim eco-village: Marpingen Community School has organized a class trip in 2023 with a focus on sustainability, nature and the environment.
Vacation camp at the Schelphof Nature Education Center: The focus of the vacation program was on experiencing biodiversity.
Pfotenhilfe Karlsruhe und Umgebung e. V. is a non-profit organization dedicated primarily to animal welfare in Romania.
Project week at the state special school for language with workshops on the topics of bees, waste, nutrition and climate.
Mobile unpackaged store in East Frisia: This environmental education program helps to create awareness for a more sustainable lifestyle and the associated change in habitual behavior.
Sustainable environmental education through the creation of school gardens: The gardens are intended to teach healthy nutrition and the preservation of biodiversity.
Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz (AGA) e.V.: Project to protect the lynx in harmony with sustainable land and resource use.
As part of the donation campaign "Your VAT advantage for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park for five years since 2021 with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros.
Since 2021, the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Tierfreunde Schaumberg.
Tiwi Turtle Police: The turtle police protect the endangered animals and ensure the survival of the turtles.
As part of our donation campaign "Your VAT benefit for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation is pleased to support the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros since 2021.
Our bee carts offer a mobile solution for transporting bee colonies to areas with ideal food sources. Several bee colonies can be housed and optimally cared for in these special bee boxes. The ‘harvest’ refers to the nutritional basis of the bees, which varies depending on the location and season.
The association Fellkinder in Not e.V. is committed to helping all maltreated four-legged friends - especially in Croatia.
The association OASI ARGO Calabria e.V. is a small non-profit organization dedicated to animal welfare in southern Italy / Calabria.
Beekeeping for a good cause: the proceeds from honey sales are used to support social projects.
Martinas Bienengarten e.V.: The interactive bee garden was created for the purpose of nature education for children.
Naturfreunde Britten e.V.: Building "life towers" to preserve biodiversity.
Cat house of the cat lovers' association Wadgassen: Cats in need are placed in loving hands.
MYBLUEPLANET's MyBlueTree initiative organizes planting events to raise awareness of climate and environmental protection among companies and employees.
Regional cultivation with BeLeaf Farming: BeLeaf stands for the agriculture of the future through compensation technologies.
Campaign of the animal welfare association Rheinland Fohlen e.V.: Animal feed for animals in need.
The Alsweiler Pro Fawn Initiative supports hunters and farmers in fawn rescue.
Rescue and reintroduction center for elephant orphans: the only initiative of its kind in the world that actively rescues elephants and rhinos in Africa.
The Reteti Elephant Sanctuary is a community-owned elephant sanctuary in Samburu in northern Kenya.
To save the bees and protect biodiversity, the proWIN pro nature foundation has taken on a one-year sponsorship of a flower meadow.
As part of the donation campaign "Your VAT advantage for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park for five years since 2021 with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros.
The fox station in Überherrn has set itself the task of taking in and caring for helpless, injured or orphaned wild animals such as foxes, badgers, martens and other predators.
Since 2021, the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Tierfreunde Schaumberg.
Tiwi Turtle Police: The turtle police protect the endangered animals and ensure the survival of the turtles.
Gnadenhof Eiweiler: Mercy farm for farm animals.
As part of our donation campaign "Your VAT benefit for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation is pleased to support the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros since 2021.
Our bee carts offer a mobile solution for transporting bee colonies to areas with ideal food sources. Several bee colonies can be housed and optimally cared for in these special bee boxes. The ‘harvest’ refers to the nutritional basis of the bees, which varies depending on the location and season.
Regional cultivation with BeLeaf Farming: BeLeaf stands for the agriculture of the future through compensation technologies.
Campaign of the animal welfare association Rheinland Fohlen e.V.: Animal feed for animals in need.
The Tierschutzverein Herford e.V. not only looks after dogs and cats, but also exotic and wild animals.
The NaturVerstehen association is committed to bringing modern lifestyles into harmony with nature.
The animal welfare organization Familienanschluss-gesucht e.V. supports an animal shelter in Portugal in the placement of animals.
As part of the donation campaign "Your VAT advantage for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park for five years since 2021 with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros.
Bienenfreunde Itzenplitz: registered beekeeping association that aims to promote nature conservation and biodiversity through beekeeping.
The association Streetdogs Madeira e.V. is committed to rescuing street dogs in Madeira.
KITZRETTER e .V. saves fawns from death by mowing. The farmers' spring mowing should be as safe as possible to prevent senseless animal suffering.
The BlueFuture Project enables sustainable access to drinking water in East African communities.
The Naturschutzverein Freisen e. V. is an association for the promotion of nature conservation.
Hunde aus Griechenland suchen ein Zuhause e.V. is an animal welfare organization that cares for dogs at home and abroad - especially in Greece.
Katzenhilfe Schmelz is concerned with humane population control and keeping so-called "street cats" healthy.
The Initiative for Animals in Need finds homes for animals, organizes places of mercy and is dedicated to other animal welfare tasks.
"Draußen-Hausen" - with this motto, the "Förderverein Kindertagesstätte Großsteinhausen e.V." has initiated a great nature conservation project.
The fox station in Überherrn has set itself the task of taking in and caring for helpless, injured or orphaned wild animals such as foxes, badgers, martens and other predators.
Tiertafel Stadtallendorf e.V. has set itself the task of providing good, species-appropriate food for pets that have been living in the households of people in need for a long time.
Julia's animal shelter in Ahaus places animals and also takes them in temporarily if necessary (vacation / illness).
Experience reptiles up close: Germany's largest reptile zoo is home to giant snakes, mini frogs, crocodiles and many other reptiles.
Since 2021, the proWIN pro nature foundation has been supporting the Tierfreunde Schaumberg.
Grazing project with the effect of increasing the number of plant and animal species.
PanEco Foundation: Foundation for the conservation of orangutans. Rescue, rehabilitation and reintroduction of orangutans.
As part of our donation campaign "Your VAT benefit for a good cause", the proWIN pro nature foundation is pleased to support the Hamburg Wadden Sea National Park with an annual donation of 28,888.89 euros since 2021.
Our bee carts offer a mobile solution for transporting bee colonies to areas with ideal food sources. Several bee colonies can be housed and optimally cared for in these special bee boxes. The ‘harvest’ refers to the nutritional basis of the bees, which varies depending on the location and season.
Nature adventure: The forest knights bring children closer to the forest and its inhabitants.
Forest lessons: Forest classes work with wilderness educators, a beekeeper and an artist in the forest on special topics in an educational context.
The Palatinate Museum of Natural History is working on species conservation projects such as amphibian breeding to stop the decline in regional populations.
The use of drones with thermal imaging cameras helps to save fawns from being mowed to death.
Tierschutzverein Treuen und Umgebung e.V.: Animal shelter in Treuen that places animals in loving homes.
Wild dog project: The African wild dog is the largest wild dog in the African savannah.
Zenias Tiere e.V. takes care of animals that "come off the street" and finds them a nice home.
The Zoo der Minis is a zoological garden. The zoo specializes in the keeping, breeding and presentation of particularly small animal species.
The Fortuin School's bee project is under threat. The proWIN pro nature foundation is helping.
Förderverein Afrikaprojekt Dr. Schales e.V. : Humanitarian development aid in Zimbabwe.
Tiwi Turtle Police: The turtle police protect the endangered animals and ensure the survival of the turtles.
Construction of a vertical small wind turbine on the school grounds of the Geschwister-Scholl-Schule Blieskastel.
Adoption of trees by the proWIN pro nature Foundation.
Grazing project with the effect of increasing the number of plant and animal species.
Ratzel flowering meadow: Flowering sponsors will provide a refuge for animal species.
Australian Koala Foundation: non-profit organization with the aim of stopping the decline in the koala population and thus ensuring the survival of the animals.
PanEco Foundation: Foundation for the conservation of orangutans. Rescue, rehabilitation and reintroduction of orangutans.
Support for animal protection and care facilities.
Tiwi Turtle Police: The turtle police protect the endangered animals and ensure the survival of the turtles.
Squirrel rescue center: Eichhörnchen in Not Saar takes care of squirrels that need help.
Vogelschutzverein Fellerdilln e.V.: supports research projects on population and species protection.
Abandoned reptiles, found animals, smuggled animals or similar emergencies are taken in at the Poecitarium, cared for in a species-appropriate manner and then placed in a permanent, species-appropriate home.
Refugio de Mascotas: The dog rescue center accommodates dogs that have been abandoned, mistreated or left to be killed.
Gnadenhof Eiweiler: Mercy farm for farm animals.
Tracking the migratory movements of sharks: Research project of the Ceiia-Centro para a Excelencia on the subject of shark migration.
Central Wild Bird Sanctuary of the Saarland" (WiVo-Saarland) : Help for injured or distressed wild birds.
Freeman-Farm Verein für Mensch und Tier e.V. : a sanctuary for abused, abandoned, slaughtered and injured animals.
Max von der Grün-Schule: School project forest camp and classroom with buildings for species conservation.
Environmental education: The city farm is a place where young people in particular can experience where food actually comes from.
Animal welfare with a heart in Croatia: rescue center for animals in need.
The Netzwerk Entwicklungspolitik im Saarland (NES) e.V. is an umbrella organization of Saarland non-governmental organizations, associations, initiatives and individuals involved in development policy.
Gnadenhof Eiweiler: Mercy farm for farm animals.
Freeman-Farm Verein für Mensch und Tier e.V. : a sanctuary for abused, abandoned, slaughtered and injured animals.
The Saar Fishing Association has the task of promoting nature-friendly fishing in Saarland.
Bee working group at the Bliestalschule Oberthal.
Jean François Boch School's teaching program that initiates and promotes the topics of ecology and sustainability.
Forest meets school" project: The importance of nature and the forest ecosystem is conveyed through practical work and experiencing the forest.
Gödenroth elementary school: The school was given part of a field to grow vegetables. An outdoor kitchen is being built to process the harvest.
The green classroom is intended to enrich the grounds of Köllerbach elementary school as a further outdoor area close to nature.
Sillegarten: a green oasis at the Johanneum grammar school.
Kirschhofer Tierarche: A place where (farm) animals find a home and a task.
The "Garden in the Kindergarten" project was initiated to give children an understanding of nature and food.
Farm garden at the Finkenrech leisure center: visitors to the themed gardens gain valuable insights into garden design and maintenance.
Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Bliesmengen-Bolchen e.V.: creates new habitats for the house martin and the yellow-bellied toad.
Blieskastel municipal forest: The Schellental adventure forest is an educational offer within the framework of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD).
The Blue Mind is a team of passionate and dedicated marine biologists.
Project week "Plastic forever?": Educating people about the long-term effects of plastic on our environment.
Wiwo: e.V. : The association focuses in particular on sustainable project work.
Wunderkind supports the "Naturspielplatz Elfental" project, a natural children's playground in Heusweiler.
Umwelt Technik Soziales e.V.: This initiative is made up of many volunteers, some full-time employees, independent and public organizations, associations and institutions.
ElfesWorld Thailand: sanctuary for animals in Thailand.
Gymnasium am Steinwald: The bee project "More than honey" includes the care of bees, honey harvesting and marketing as well as the associated awareness of the importance of bees for the environment.
Deep Eye is a research project by marine biologist Dr. Urlich Freier to verify the habitat of krill in the polar regions.
Children's climate protection conference in a primary school class in Ottweiler.
TierOase ThoMa e.V. : The Tieroase lovingly takes care of the placement of cats and dogs in foster homes until the animals have found a new home.
Tierschutzverein 1924 e.V. : The Bertha Bruch animal shelter in Saarbrücken accommodates stray animals and places them in a new home.
The Saar Fishing Association has the task of promoting nature-friendly fishing in Saarland.
The Netzwerk Entwicklungspolitik im Saarland (NES) e.V. is an umbrella organization of Saarland non-governmental organizations, associations, initiatives and individuals involved in development policy.
BUND: the German member of the international nature conservation network Friends of the Earth.
Topic Nature, in particular the protection of oceans and marine environments.
Nature on the trail" nature trail.
Water adventure trail
UNESCO project school
Bee class: ecological education and training in bee culture.