Saarschleife community school

The proWIN pro nature foundation is pleased to support the "Waste separation 3.0" project at the Saarschleife community school with a donation of 1,000 euros.
This innovative project aims to raise awareness of sustainability and environmental protection among schoolchildren and teach them the importance of waste separation.
The project was initiated by Markus Eisenbarth, a teacher at the Gemeinschaftsschule an der Saarschleife. After participating in the proWIN pro nature Foundation's ESD training course "School of Sustainability", Mr. Eisenbarth brought back many inspiring ideas that he wanted to implement in his school. Waste separation at the school was previously inadequate: there were only residual waste bins and small paper garbage cans in the classes, and some teachers set up yellow bags on their own initiative.
To make waste separation more attractive and conscious, Mr. Eisenbarth bought three white garbage cans with lids, which were creatively designed by the pupils in art class. These new bins are not only intended to promote waste separation, but also to beautify the classrooms and raise the pupils' awareness of sustainability.
Thanks to the support of the proWIN pro nature foundation, the "Waste separation 3.0" project was successfully introduced at the Gemeinschaftsschule an der Saarschleife. The project began in Years 5 and 6, where pupils were given intensive instruction on waste separation. The new, colorful waste bins aroused the pupils' interest and turned waste separation into a conscious action.
In order to further promote the acceptance and commitment of the pupils, a competition was held to design the waste bins. Years 5 and 6 took part enthusiastically, and the creative results show that the pupils take the topic of waste separation seriously and want to play an active role in shaping it.
The project is to be extended to all class levels in the coming years so that new pupils are introduced to the sustainable waste separation system every year. The student council monitors the correct separation of waste and distributes green sticky dots as an incentive for correct behavior.
The main aim of the "Waste separation 3.0" project is to raise awareness of the issue of waste separation throughout the school community and to promote sustainable behavior. The introduction of the three-part waste separation system and the active involvement of the pupils make an important contribution to environmental protection. Pupils also learn to take responsibility and recognize the importance of sustainability in everyday life.
The proWIN pro nature Foundation would like to thank the Gemeinschaftsschule an der Saarschleife, in particular Mr. Markus Eisenbarth and the student representatives, for their commitment and creative ideas. Thanks to their joint efforts, the "Waste separation 3.0" project was successfully launched and has already had a positive impact on the pupils' environmental awareness.

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Michael Winter, Curator
Michael Winter, Curator