Gnadenhof Eiweiler

Gnadenhof Eiweiler: Mercy farm for farm animals.
We can't save them all, but we do everything we can to help animals!
Jutta and Lothar Braun


The proWIN pro nature foundation presented a cheque to the Heusweiler-Eiweiler animal sanctuary. The money comes from donations from the 24h Dart telethon and is intended to support the couple in caring for the animals.

2020 - 2022

The Gnadenhof in Eiweiler is a very important sanctuary for farm animals in need! Looking after the animals is a lot of work and also involves many necessary costs. As the sanctuary was almost unable to receive any visitors during the coronavirus period and there were no festivals, the care of the animals was on the brink of collapse! The proWIN pronature Foundation will continue to support the sanctuary with a donation in 2022 after 2020 and 2021.


"We can't save them all, but we do everything we can to help animals!" This is how the desire for a sanctuary developed over many years and was put into practice in 2007. Since then, farm animals such as goats and sheep have found a place at the sanctuary in Eiweiler until the natural end of their lives.

The Braun family also combines this initiative with an educational approach. School classes and kindergarten groups regularly visit the farm, where they learn about the individual animal breeds and their needs and what it means to take responsibility for animal husbandry.


Jutta and Lothar Braun have given around 50 animals a new home on 25,000 square meters. The idea "There are animal shelters for pets, but for farm animals ... nothing!" a remarkable animal welfare initiative was born. It started with the two sheep Brauni and Pumuckl and has developed into a real sanctuary over the years. With proWIN pro nature, the great work can now continue.

Fundraising gala 2018

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Michael Winter, Curator
Michael Winter, Curator