Environmental projects at Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl primary school

The proWIN pro nature foundation is committed to environmental and species protection as well as environmental education and training.
A particular focus of our foundation is on supporting projects in schools that give children practical experience in environmental protection and nature conservation. An outstanding example of this is our support for the Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl elementary school.
With a donation of 2,000 euros in 2023, the proWIN pro nature foundation has helped Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl elementary school to implement several important projects. This school looks after many children from socially and financially disadvantaged and educationally disadvantaged families and works every day to meet the needs of its pupils. The school's dedicated teachers have made it their mission to integrate environmental education into everyday school life and offer children practical experiences.


Photos: Grundschule Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl

The electricity project: building an alternating current generator from electrical waste

This project aims to raise children's awareness of waste avoidance and recycling. The pupils build an alternating current generator from electrical waste and old wood scraps. The moving parts are printed in a 3D printer from recycled filament, and metal axles come from old clothes hangers. Only the magnets are bought. In preparation, the children carry out experiments on magnetism and the conductivity of different materials.

The bee project

In the bee project, first-graders learn about the importance of bees for our ecosystem and the threats they face. The children collect ideas on how they can help the bees and plant bee-friendly plants in the school garden at FGTS Saarbrücken-Rastpfuhl.

The potato project

By growing and harvesting potatoes, the children learn first-hand how food is produced. This project promotes a conscious and healthy diet with regional products.

The forest project

The forest project teaches children about the importance of the forest and its ecosystems. Ecological and social relationships are taught through practical experience and learning in order to counteract alienation from nature. The children get to know the diversity of native birds and learn about species conservation.

In the soup kitchen

The children cook with ingredients from the school garden, such as pumpkin soup and potato pancakes. This project combines healthy eating with practical cooking experiences.

The bird researchers

As part of this project, the children build nesting boxes and learn a lot about the way of life and protection of native bird species.

Further projects

Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl Primary School offers many other exciting projects aimed at providing children with practical environmental education.

The proWIN pro nature Foundation is proud to continue to support Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl Primary School. In 2024, we will support the school with further projects in the field of environmental education. Our aim is to teach the children sustainable values and knowledge that will stay with them for a lifetime.

We would like to thank the dedicated team at Saarbrücken Rastpfuhl Primary School for their valuable work and look forward to continuing to bring about positive change together.

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Michael Winter, Curator
Michael Winter, Curator