Funding gala 2018

The pro Saarland Foundation Gala is a funding campaign organised by the proWIN pro nature Foundation and the proWIN Foundation.
The proWIN Foundation, which supports children's aid projects in Germany and abroad, and the proWIN pro nature Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting the environment and nature, make this support possible - generously sponsored by the Illingen-based sales company proWIN Winter GmbH. Only projects that fulfil the respective foundation regulations can be supported. The goals anchored therein are:
  • proWIN Foundation: Help for sick and needy children as well as educational fields and tasks related to this goal.
  • proWIN pro nature Foundation: Environmental and species protection including the fields of environmental education and training.

The 2018 winners

Supported by the proWIN pro nature foundation
Bliestalschule Oberthal
Bee working group at the Bliestalschule Oberthal. » Learn more
Boch Schule Merzig
Jean François Boch School's teaching program that initiates and promotes the topics of ecology and sustainability. » Learn more
Fischereiverband Saar KdöR
The Saar Fishing Association has the task of promoting nature-friendly fishing in Saarland. » Learn more
Gemeinschaftsschule Neunkirchen
Forest meets school" project: The importance of nature and the forest ecosystem is conveyed through practical work and experiencing the forest. » Learn more
Gnadenhof Eiweiler
Gnadenhof Eiweiler: Mercy farm for farm animals. » Learn more
Freeman Farm
Freeman-Farm Verein für Mensch und Tier e.V. : a sanctuary for abused, abandoned, slaughtered and injured animals. » Learn more
Grundschule Gödenroth
Gödenroth elementary school: The school was given part of a field to grow vegetables. An outdoor kitchen is being built to process the harvest. » Learn more
Grundschule Köllerbach
The green classroom is intended to enrich the grounds of Köllerbach elementary school as a further outdoor area close to nature. » Learn more
Gymnasium Johanneum
Sillegarten: a green oasis at the Johanneum grammar school. » Learn more
Kirschhofer Tierarche
Kirschhofer Tierarche: A place where (farm) animals find a home and a task. » Learn more
KiTa Hand in Hand Freisen
The "Garden in the Kindergarten" project was initiated to give children an understanding of nature and food. » Learn more
Landkreis Neunkirchen
Farm garden at the Finkenrech leisure center: visitors to the themed gardens gain valuable insights into garden design and maintenance. » Learn more
Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Bliesmengen-Bolchen e.V.
Natur- und Vogelschutzverein Bliesmengen-Bolchen e.V.: creates new habitats for the house martin and the yellow-bellied toad. » Learn more
Stadt Blieskastel
Blieskastel municipal forest: The Schellental adventure forest is an educational offer within the framework of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). » Learn more
The Blue Mind e.V.
The Blue Mind is a team of passionate and dedicated marine biologists. » Learn more
Verein für europäische Umweltbildung und Umwelterziehung e.V.
Project week "Plastic forever?": Educating people about the long-term effects of plastic on our environment. » Learn more
Wiwo e.V.
Wiwo: e.V. : The association focuses in particular on sustainable project work. » Learn more
Wunderkind Saarland
Wunderkind supports the "Naturspielplatz Elfental" project, a natural children's playground in Heusweiler. » Learn more

The 2018 winners

Supported by the proWIN foundation
  • Ehrensache e.V. – Therapeutic horse riding
  • Elterninitiative krebskranker Kinder im Saarland e.V. – JuNa
  • Hilfe für Einzelschicksale international e.V. – The fate of children around the world
  • Hunkapi Verein – Human-animal relationship
  • Nestwärme e.V. – Empowerment
  • SOS Kinderdorf – Play at home
  • Sterneneltern Saarland e.V. – Star children/siblings


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Michael Winter, Curator
Michael Winter, Curator