Emil's World

In his keynote speech "Emil's World - A Changing Society", Ranga Yogeshwar focusses on the future of his grandson Emil, who was born in January 2020.

About the lecture "Emils World"

In his keynote speech "Emil's World - A Changing Society", Ranga Yogeshwar concretises the future of his grandson Emil, who was born in January 2020. Afterwards, he will answer questions from guests in a panel discussion with numerous exciting partners. Join in the discussion! Ranga Yogeshwar's talk will be followed by a couch discussion with a pupil, State Secretary Sebastian Thul (MUKMAV), Ms Isabelle Kiehn (Ministry of Education and Culture), Ranga Yogeshwar and a representative of the pro nature Foundation.

Synopsis of the lecture

My grandson Emil was born in January 2020 and there is a good chance that he will live to see the 22nd century. So the future is materialising. What world will Emil live in? His generation is growing up with all kinds of new things that we take for granted: talking devices, artificial intelligence, new medicine, but also networked media and a change in social interaction. Traditional values are also shifting within the younger generation: from mobility to nutrition with a growing focus on sustainability and meaningfulness. Massive changes in the world of work - home office - or in the area of shopping - online retail - are already becoming apparent in the context of coronavirus. Although AI applications are still in their infancy, they are penetrating ever deeper into all areas of life. In the wider context, we are witnessing an epochal change. From climate change to dwindling biodiversity, from resource consumption to consumer-driven behaviour, a rethink towards greater sustainability is beginning.
Emil's world is therefore different from the "business as usual" of my generation. It will be the result of a global transformation.
Ranga Yogeshwar
This raises the question of the new priorities and values of his world.


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Michael Winter, Curator
Michael Winter, Curator